
Module 9: Money Likes Attention

Are you ignoring your money? It’s time to reveal the reason why you have to focus on your money. This component has to do with your money’s ability to exponentially grow. Find out what you should be doing to give your money the attention it craves.

  • The money you have right now craves your attention
  • Why failing to mind your money means that money can’t mind you
  • The simple action you can take with any amount of money to generate more
  • What you must start doing in order to magnify, in order to duplicate, in order to multiply your money
  • How to focus, appreciate and care for your money

It’s time to open up the floodgates to more of everything in your life. As an awakened millionaire, your eyes are opening to a whole new world of possibility. Your understanding of how money works is getting clearer and the time has come to open up your eyes even more now.

Your action homework is to ascend to the next level of awareness with money with an exercise in focus. Get out your calendar or make a mental note as long as you know you won’t forget, to sit down and set all of your focus on your own finances for 30 minutes daily.

Pretend that your money can give you advice. What is it saying? At first, you might not get any type of response, but just asking this question will begin to tap into a part of your consciousness that you aren’t even aware of. Look at the money in your wallet, bring up your accounts online, and create a budget to see where your finances stand. Focus and care for your money and all of that attention will pay off sooner than you can imagine right now.

REMINDER: After you finish each video, the next module will unlock the following day at 8 AM EST. You will get an email with the good news! The next module will ONLY unlock after you watch the ENTIRE video.


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