
Module 8: The Power of Gratitude/Appreciation

You have reached the deepest level of the first awakening stage. Now on the precipice of stage two, you will be given the key to magnifying your positive energy, laying the foundation for reaching the next stage and unlocking the secret to happiness and prosperity – no matter how much money you have right now.

In this element of the Awakened Millionaire mindset, you’ll discover:

  • Transcend low energy thoughts to bring your energy up
  • You get what you focus on
  • The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation

You feel differently when you realize that every time you give money away, you are actually expressing appreciation. Begin transcending your victimhood mentality right now. Your action homework is to think about all of the things money has bought you and what you have been able to give to your loved ones.

Don’t think about what you can’t have or give, but what you already gave and received. Take a moment every day to feel appreciation for the smallest things, to the biggest things money had given you. Every time you give away money, for bills, to pay for dinner, to buy a gift, think about how thankful you are for it. Practice gratitude in all things and you will be given more to be grateful for. That’s how it works.

REMINDER: After you finish each video, the next module will unlock the following day at 8 AM EST. You will get an email with the good news! The next module will ONLY unlock after you watch the ENTIRE video.


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