
Module 7: Money likes Speed

This next module will guide you to take rapid action, because money likes speed! This is where the mental and spiritual awakening levels meet up with the physical. With your mind open and ready to receive, this module will tell you how to harness it for real life results. Get ready to begin the race where everyone wins!

  • How to take rapid action as ideas come to you
  • The real reason your ideas haven’t been fruitful yet
  • Where ideas come from and what they mean
  • How to notice and harness your ideas rather than blow them off

Have you been harboring a great idea for years but simply haven’t found the time or energy to focus on making it a reality? Do you ever notice those “lightbulb” moments, but then you simply blow them off? It’s time to change this anti-money way of doing things and start speeding things up. Money likes speed… a lot!

When you have an idea, it is a gift to be treated with gratitude. We talked about gratitude back in module 6 and now is the time to put it into rapid action with your action homework. You show your gratitude when ideas come to you by paying it back. This is accomplished through taking small steps toward making the idea come to life. I discussed my own products and accomplishments, all of which came to me in the form of an idea. I stopped what I was doing, implemented the idea in some way, and nurtured it, and it grew into reality.

Now it’s your turn. Start writing down ideas that come to you immediately and begin taking action on the ideas you’ve been sitting on like an egg. It’s time for them to finally hatch!

REMINDER: After you finish each video, the next module will unlock the following day at 8 AM EST. You will get an email with the good news! The next module will ONLY unlock after you watch the ENTIRE video.


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