
Module 4: Remove the victimhood mentality

You are about to reach the first stage of awakening. This is all about awareness of the thought patterns and feelings that have been holding you back from what you truly want. Learn how to spot those mental roadblocks and reach the first stage of awakening now!

In this element of the Awakened Millionaire mindset, you’ll discover:

  • First stage of awakening – Overcome victimhood
  • Complaining is the victimhood mentality
  • Blaming is the victimhood mentality
  • Excuses come from a victimhood mentality

Which thoughts are stopping you from having, doing, or being what you truly want? Identify those thoughts that come in the form of excuses and reasons you can’t do something. Write them down on a piece of paper. Rip them to pieces and throw them in the trash. There is ALWAYS a WAY!! Feel your power.

REMINDER: After you finish each video, the next module will unlock the following day at 8 AM EST. You will get an email with the good news! The next module will ONLY unlock after you watch the ENTIRE video.


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